Greek Orthodox Church Pocatello

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Serving Southeastern Idaho
Since 1915

Acolyte Program
"Grant me a true spirit of faith, and humble obedience, so that I may ever behold the Priest as a representative of God, and I may serve alongside of him, willingly following Your Way, the Truth, and a Life in Christ. Amen." - Taken from the Acolyte's Prayer of Preparation.The term "acolyte" (nowadays, also commonly called altar boys) is a very old term in the church, meaning "follower" in Greek. Today, it is a term that has come to mean attendant or helper. Assistants (altar boys or altar servers) were mentioned as early as 3rd century AD by church historians. In many cases, they were young boys who were orphaned and taken in by the church. In return, they offered the church service as assistants to the priests, freeing them to attend to the other spiritual needs of their flocks. The acolytes dedicated themselves to this work, and often lived their entire lives within the church building, serving the church and God; others grew up and became priests themselves.
The Assumption Parish welcomes all boys of the parish 9 years and older to serve in the altar. A wonderful program has been developed for them to learn about serving in the altar, etiquette, feast days and special services.

Literally, Philoptochos means friend of the poor—not only poor in financial resources but also poor in spirit, poor in health, poor in companionship, poor in emotional stability and poor in whatever is needed to lead a fulfilling life. Since 1931, when it was established by the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I, Philoptochos has been the largest organization of Greek Orthodox women which supports many charities while spiritually enriching its members through their participation in its philanthropic work. In over 77 years of existence, we can proudly state that Philoptochos is the largest Christian women’s philanthropic organization in the United States. Nationwide it is second only to the Sisterhood of Hadassah, the Jewish women’s charitable group. Philoptochos functions at the local, diocesan, archdiocesan, metropolitan, national, and international levels and is open to all women over 18 years old who are of the Greek Orthodox faith.

Outreach Programs
The Philoptochos will determine what local projects to support as well as some national philanthropic endeavors. There are many worthy local charities and causes that will also be considered.
Local Food Bank-Brown Bag Sunday Committee
This Committee will assist the local Food Bank through the assistance of the parishioners.
Visitation Committee
Visit sick and shut-ins, families experiencing bereavement, those giving birth; provide encouragement, prepare meals, visit living care center, offering time and companionship, arranging rides to services, etc.